There are also different types of H2o2 such as pharmaceutical grade and industrial grade NOT GOOD!!!. Hydrogen Peroxide found in most pharmacies and supermarkets is not Food Grade. 3%, 8%, and 12% (10, 20 or 40 by Volume) hydrogen peroxide may contain heavy metals and other chemical stabilisers. One needs to ensure that you only use 35% food grade diluted to 3% in order to heal. This product can assist with age rejuvenation (cells in the body), energy, depression, various immune diseases and blood disorders, lung and organ issues. Read the booklet in PDF on the internet in order to understand this product and what it does.
This product puts oxygen back into your body (lungs, blood and tissue as well as organs)
The book called “The One Minute Cure” written by Madison Cavannagh advocates many a truth about the benefits of H202 35% Food Grade. H202 is water with an oxygen molecule (2) attached. Oxygen is liberated in our bodies provided we are relatively acid free and can destroy bacterial, parasitic and/or viral activity due to the fact that these organisms cannot survive in a high oxygen environment.Even though we have been advocating the wonderful sterilizing effects of H202, caution must however still be taken whilst in it’s undiluted state. As with Homeopathy, less more often, is actually more effective. Use as an oral throat spray, sterilizing fruits and veggies to get eliminate pesticide poisons. For a 3% solution, using our concentrated 100ml 35% pure H202 and dilute 3 drops per 250ml distilled water NOT TAP WATER (see our bottle for further directions). For general health benefit, 3 drops per glass of, preferably distilled water, or if not, previously boiled water that has been allowed to cool will be fine if your municipal water is not suitable, or if there is no direct access to clean drinking water, 3 drops per 250ml glass of water 2-3 times a day. Should you have cancer or severe illness or chronic illness alternatively long standing illness etc a different dosage will be recommended. Best taken on an empty stomach to avoid interference whist there is food in the stomach. Do not coincide or administer whilst utilizing iron supplements as it will interfere with the absorption. If you however have iron overload this is the perfect product to use. It will start removing metals from the body including mercury and other poisons and toxins.
THIS PRODUCT MUST BE DILUTED to 3 percent for oral use.......... FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS on Bottle PLEASE. IF messed on skin it can burn or tingle the skin and leave white marks on skin. If this happens do not panic just rinse with water immediately and apply skin cream. DON'T DRINK MORE THAN WHAT IS ADVISED at a steady rate. It is not recommended to start with high dosage always start low and build up weekly.
Disclaimer: H2O2 is not a medicine and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent diseases. The health information contained herein is not meant as a substitute for advice from your physician, or other health professional. All the material is intended for general interest only; and should not be used to diagnose, treat, or cure any condition whatsoever. If you are concerned about any health issue, symptom, or other indication, you should consult your regular health physician. Consequently the authors cannot accept responsibility for any individual who misuses the information contained herein. The links are provided for general information only
Recommended Dosage: TAKE ON EMPTY STOMACH - 30minutes before Food (meals) NOT WITH FOOD OR WITH MEDICATION or after food!!!
See link below regarding the issues with H2o2 and the grades as some have additives and stabilisers (this will help you understand why you need FOOD Grade
Size: 30ml
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