For Cancer patients for healing, sleep as well as pain. It assists with Fybromylgia pain, Rheumatoid Arthritis and can stabilize diabetes, cholesterol, assist with autoimmune disorders, Glaucoma, Kidney function, assists with pain and spasms associated with Multiple Sclerosis, PTSD, Stress, Endocrine Disorders, Epilepsy, Glaucoma, etc.
THIS CAPSULE IS NOT THAT STRONG AND IS USED FOR PEOPLE WITH LOW TOLERANCE, it can make one drowsy and sleepy, not to be used in the day, do not consume alcohol with this product, or operate machinery/ or drive.
This product is consumed orally at night - one capsule 1 - 2 hours before sleep
ALTERNATIVELY - for BEST results in the case of bad pain or cancer, if you would like better results without the High feeling you should definitely use it as a suppository - rectal absorption rate is better than oral as well as you will not have the psychoactive effects which will suit most people in order to use in the day time and function on a daily basis.
100% Extra Virgin Olive oil.
Size: 30CAPS
For a list of conditions treatable with Cannabis oils follow this link:
Sparx (verified owner) –
Been using these capsules to help me with my anxiety and my back problems. They have been an absolute lifesaver and I cannot recommend these enough!
Sumaya (verified owner) –
Been using the FECO caps for a couple months now for insomnia and anxiety. It has really changed quality of my life as I dont need to rely on chemical medications which have plenty side effects.
Admin office –
Thank you Sumaya, great for others to see how it can assist with issues like this.