This product is great for depression, stress and anxiety, however NOTE you should not be using sleeping pills, anti depressants and anxiety medication should you want to use this product.
L - Tryptophan is a precursor for a number of important endogenously produced biochemicals, including melatonin, serotonin, and vitamin B3 (niacin-amide). L-Tryptophan and its derivatives play important roles in immunity and immuno suppression. It also is better utilized in conjunction with vitamins B3, B6 and Vitamin C, magnesium and trace minerals. (Note that we do sell Vitamin B complex called Bee Boms, Vitamin C, Magnesium called MAGplex as well as trace minerals on this website) #Cannatural #CannaturalSA #CannaturalNaturalMedicine #CannaturalCannatural
1-4 capsules per day
Ingredients: Each capsule contains
L-Tryptophan 350mg
90 Capsules
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