This product is very popular since many people battle with Cancer or chronic pain, and they find that CBD products are not effect enough to assist with the conditions they have. Rick Simpson Oil (as some know it), FECO Oil, THC oil these are available in capsules in different strengths and blended with Grapeseed oil to obtain a certain strength for those that find it difficult to squeeze the resin out of the syringe, or find that the syringe method does not provide a standard dosage in milligrams when battling to press the resin out. So capsules seem to be preferred, also due to the fact that it can not be pleasant to the taste for some.
If you are looking for the THC paste in the syringe, the resin in the syringe is dark, thick and pure extract. It is not blended with coconut or any other oil, like the capsules.
Many have found taking this one capsule a night assists with sleep disorders, we have had instances where people have been using 6 sleeping pills a night and have come of the sleeping pills by using this product. For Cancer it is suggested that the dosage be increased in terms of the quantity of oil consumed daily. This you can also find when you search for Rick Simpson method on the internet. It is suggested that you move up and within a set period of time consume 60ml of oil. However many find this difficult to achieve either because it is too much or it works out too expensive. Keeping this short as we sign off.
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