Why do I have Burning Painful Feet?

Published by Admin office on March 18, 2021 

There are many possibility as to why you have this sensation. Many people with diabetes or who may be pre-diabetic can experience this. One of the main problems is consuming too much sugar in any form. High sugar consumption is said to destroy the nerves in the body, damaging them or breaking them down.

High sugar consumption actually depletes Vitamin B1 in the body so does alcohol. So take note of this. Vitamin B1 is very important for nerve function - maintaining healthy nerve function and make sure you get a good B1 supplement.

We do supply quality supplements which are not commercial, since many people report no improvement with supplements however we have good results with the use of these homeopathic supplements we have. Benfothiamine (B1) then also for diabetics or alcoholics. Thiamine another form of Vitamin B1 which will improve this condition.

It could be possible if your diet is not good - one could be lacking other vitamins or minerals, this is just an indication and not a diagnosis.

DISCLAIMER: Please note that this post is based on our opinion with regard to natural remedies and one should always conduct research or consult with your medical practitioner if you feel necessary, regarding using certain natural products since certain natural supplements may possibly interfere with medications like Blood thinning medication i.e. Warfarin in thinning of blood, people with kidney disorders should be aware of what they use as well.

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